For Simply Being Ourselves, We Are Told We Are Wrong
For striving for equality, we are DELUSIONAL.
For dreaming of acceptance, we are HATED .
If they want to call us crazy, let them! It is that craziness that leads to understanding. It’s that craziness that fuels our resilience, our strength.
We are Ethiopian. We are Eritrean. We are Gay Men. We CANNOT apologize for any of it.
So, to those who want to label us as crazy, we leave that world to you! We no longer chase love where it cannot be given.
We’re here to connect with and celebrate each other. Continue to rewrite the narrative, embrace our truth, and connect with our own.
Zegahabesha App Where Love Knows NO Bounds.
Exclusively for Habesha LGBTQ+ Men.
Absolutely Zero Tolerance for Abuse based on Gender, Sexuality, Race, Religion, Ethnicity, or any other factor.
Sign Up Today! CONNECT. Don’t let others write your story!